I thought about this real long and hard one night. I was thinking about the way things were laying out, settling, in the moment. If you are anything like me then you realize that you tend to gamble quite a bit on what is unknown. Many would call us fools or unrealistic, but if you are anything like me, that doesn’t bother us one bit. Let me explain, I have a lot of faith. I tend to always bet on the universe, the unknown, the magic in our everyday lives. This you could call divination, you can call it religion, you can say the divine, the energy, the universe, it’s an umbrella of all this. I believed for some time things would pan out the way i believed it would, it did, but in smaller portions, opportunities. The let down was that it wasn’t as open, opportunistic, as I imagined it would be. I was stumped, yet again. I thought to myself, why? Why was this drawn out now as I imagined or thought was promised? I began to think maybe since we all have free will, in my humble opinion, beliefs, then maybe it was a sum of my worst moments, karma, possibly. Do you believe in karma? I do. I believe that possibly in my weakened moments, when my choices weren’t as high value as I would like this was my outcome. I wouldn’t say punishment, but obstacle. I thought well that’s just completely unfair, but, is it. All in all, its a disappointment, but all in all I can’t complain, much. I do think, and I do believe, that nothing is lost, its just challenged to us again. What do you think?
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