If you're into understanding your center, or any kind of spiritual work, then you have heard the term, intuition. Intuition is loosely defined as suspecting or "knowing" something is true without any other resources or need for conscious reasoning. How many of you guys "practice" or instinctually know when something is true, and how many times have you been correct?

The statistics on that, I am actually very interested to know. 

Why you ask, are we talking about intuition??


I have attempted to perfect my use of intuition on a daily basis for the past...year, year and a half. I have been keen on most things but sometimes I feel as if I'm playing pin the tail on the donkey when trying to navigate. There are times for example I get this ill feeling in the pit of my stomach when in a new area and I tell myself you know what I don't care if I am right or wrong, but I feel as if it's time to go now. There are times when I feel nervous or scared but realize, that is nothing but fear, and not intuition. The reason I bring intuition up today is because I realize in my own journey and practice even after so long, I still yet am navigating this skill and some days it brings me into more chaos than it did before. I tend to know over think many things and see things as now or never more than just go with the flow and be light and have fun. I honestly have yet to talk to someone who has mastered this skill but if you had, I would love to hear from you. Any tips or tricks? Any advice is most helpful :D



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